
Welcome to Communitas! This page is under construction.

Jeff Kingfisher’s Communitas is an ongoing collection of prayers, congregational songs, meditations, dances, and stories of mystical union written for New Thought and other progressive communities. Currently under construction, this page will eventually include dozens of pieces (there are over forty so far, with more coming regularly.) Several pieces will include videos, prerecorded tracks, and charts for use in other spiritual centers. 

Peace and Blessings! Jeff Kingfisher

How Communitas came to be. In the fall of 2019, I was invited to perform as a musical guest at the Center for Spiritual Living in Palm Springs, and also to give a talk on the Muzoracle and therapeutic music for their Wisdom Shares and Sacred Practices series, which was being held on Wednesday nights. Those engagements led to a few more over the next few months, and then... the pandemic hit. The doors had to be closed, of course, and the call was put out for someone to help live-stream their services—and I answered. I ended up producing the Center’s services, meditations, and events and streaming them from my studio for fourteen months, skyping in ministers, practitioners, and guests, and creating music and video content. 

Communitas is the musical result of that experience, and my experiences with the Center since. I’ve become their music director, and have also become quite involved with the community, taking classes (and teaching a couple), and  incorporating Science of Mind practices into my therapeutic work.